Spine Chart

Use this chart to select the Spine required for your set-up. There is always advice on hand from the Authorised Retailer or call us directly. These Spines are available in Half 100’s so if you feel that the shaft might need to be stiffer than a 500 spine then it is always possible to order Spine 450’s for an example.

Point Weight has an important bearing on the arrow flight and stiffness of Spine. If unsure consult an authorised Retailer or contact us directly.

The Points have cut off marks allowing for them to be trimmed down to lower weights from 120 Grains to 100 to 80 Grains. If a Point weighs on home gram scales at around 7/8 grams this will be 120/128 Grains approximately. The shank of the Point that slides and affix’s inside the shaft plays a part in the Arrow stiffness. The longer the shank the stiffer the arrow will become, it is therefore advisable to consider this when selecting the spine for your setup. There is also a consideration to the FOC (Front of Centre) balance or tipping point. It can vary on your draw length and is another consideration when selecting the Spine and Points for your shafts.

There are available Tungsten Points which some Archers prefer as this allows for the Spine to be selected closer to the #lb – draw length on the given chart above without too much deflection. The Shanks on these points are shorter and bring the FOC closer to the front of the arrow. These are all personal choices but we are on hand to guide you through the setup of the Arrows which is one of the most important part of the Archers equipment.